Merging of linked lists

In this article ,I will be discussing some problems based on merging of linked lists. Problem statement : We had 2 linked lists - a1-a2-a3.....aN and b1-b2-b3..........bN We want to merge it into a single linked list - Solution : We would be using the linked list we had already developed in previous blogs. I am again showing the structure of this list below : There would be a simple function in this list which takes 2 nodes and merges them both into the main linked list.The given function is : The simple strategy here is to iterate through the 2 lists and keep on adding current node of of each list to the original linked list. Below is a test program to test it. One variation of the above problem could be to write a function in LinkedList class which accepts a linked list and merges it with itself. Problem statement : Merging of 2 sorted linked lists. Given 2 sorted single linked lists - first : 1-2-3-4-5-8-100-120 second : 5-7-11-34...